The purpose of this web site is mainly to make readily available publications, reports, presentations, and other materials that others might find useful. Over the years I have had the priviledge of collaborating with an immensely talented group of colleagues and students. This has resulted in a large volume of material. My hope is that others may find some of it stimulating or useful. Please feel free to copy, download, modify, and use as you like.
The Resume and Research tab gives a short summary of the areas in which I have been involved, areas I will initially pursue in retirement, and a link to my resume.
The Publications tab contains a list of publications, reports, and communications linked to pdfs. Links are organized in the topic categories below, as well as chronologically in a publications list.
- Viscosity of the Earth’s Mantle and Glacial Isostatic Rebound
- Convection around igneous intrusions and associated mineral resources
- Sedimentation-related fluid flow and associated energy and mineral resources
- Impact of non-wetting phases (especially gas) on subsurface fluid flow
- Air convection in copper and coal waste dumps
- In situ leaching of copper and heat
- Nanoparticle tracers
- Fluid-rock interaction
- Gas vents and seafloor pockmarks
- Mathematical, petrophysical, and geochemical methods
- Societal issues
The Lecture Series tab posts a lectures on How the Earth Works, the Fluid Dynamics of the Solid Earth, Minerals and Energy, Geochemistry, and Geohydrology. The Presentations tab posts recent presentations and selections not covered in the lecture topic categories. The Blog tab introduces and gives links to two blogs addressing societal concerns.