The earth’s resources of water, soil, energy, and minerals are the basis of our modern civilization and a consequence of major earth processes. Understanding the processes that produce resources provides a basis for understanding historical and future resource use and a fascinating window into the operation of the atmosphere-ocean-biosphere-solid earth system. This lecture series proceeds from fundamental principles, describes the major categories of resources, and explores associated social and political issues, with a focus on how humanity can best be supplied with its energy and mineral needs. A familiarity with physics, chemistry, and math at an introductory level is assumed. An introductory geology background is helpful but not necessary.
Lecture 1: Our current situation (Skeptical Environmentalist, Club of Rome, The Ultimate Resource)
Lecture 2: Earth Energetics (Energy: the basis for everything)
Lecture 3: Resource needs and supply (mineral needs for energy, calculating minimum energy needs following MacKay)
Lecture 3s: Whither Mongolia?
Lecture 4: Natural Climate Change
Lecture 5: Anthropogenic Climate Change
Lecture 6: Constant Human Change (a brief history of humanity)
Lecture 7: Economic Analysis (how we make decisions)
Lecture 7s0: NPV – simple mine example
Lecture 7s1: unitized cost of electricity excel spreadsheet
Lecture 7s2: Net Present Value Homework
Lecture 7s3: Homework Answers
Lecture 8: Can we sustain 10+ billion?
Lecture 9: Food, Water, Fertilizer
Lecture 10: Placer Gold- the Rand
Lecture 11: Uranium Placers, The Oklo Reactor, Life and the start of organic reduction
Lecture 12: Iron (iron, cold iron, is the master of them all)
Lecture 13: The history of oil (The Prize)
Lecture 14: How petroleum is produced in nature, and how much do we have
Lecture 15: The Marcellus shale (gas, gas everywhere, issues and non-issues)
Lecture 16 and 17: Sedimentary copper and base metal deposits (the Kupferschiefer, Mississippi Valley or MVT lead Zinc Deposits)
Lecture 18 and 19: Volcanic-associated Massive Sulfide or VMS deposits
Lecture 19s: Ocean Resources, the Law of the Sea, REE resources
Lecture 20: Geothermal and Bonanza Gold
Lecture 21: The Giant Porphyry Coppers
Lecture 22: Magmatic (flood basalt) Nickel
Lecture 23: Heap Leaching and Acid Mine Drainage
Lecture 24: Radioactive Waste Disposal